Friday, March 18, 2011

Blessed Be God

All new life comes out of dark places.

That which is perceived as ugly transfigures into beautiful.

Two sentences from Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts. Two sentences that have such depth and life and beauty often require patience, suffering, hopeful anticipation and trust before the joyous fulfillment. But, as Ann says in her book, “joy is always worth the wait.”

Waiting, especially in difficult times or unknown seasons of life, develops trust which changes our perspective and bursts open doors of praise and thanksgiving.

I experienced uncertainty and fear with regards to my health, but God said: See now that I, I am He, and there is no God beside Me, It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal. - Deuteronomy 32:39

I must admit, I read certain parts of God’s word not applying them to my life, not thinking they were still applicable in this modern day. Parts of the “law” that while Christ followers do not have to follow in order to have new life, are still applicable for protection and guidance. Truly, truly this is no empty word for me, but my very life and by this word I shall live. (Deuteronomy 32:47)

When I cried out to God, He answered me, not by immediately changing my circumstances or making the journey to good health an easy one, but He answered me. He directed me to His word, to Genesis 1, to Leviticus 11…He opened my eyes, my mind and my heart to see how He wanted to heal me, through the life giving power of His mighty hand and through the protection of obedience.

Overhauling your life in terms of how and what you eat, the products you use to clean your home or the personal care/cosmetics used to beautify yourself can be overwhelming. But God, in His mercy, prepares the way and provides our needs. I wanted a quick fix solution to my prayers, but He had a better plan. I know that I could have been miraculously healed, but I also know that it has been in the process that thankfulness and praise to God have grown and He is changing me in more ways than I ever could have imagined or hoped.

Truly God never wastes our hurts:

He makes everything work out according to His plan. –Ephesians 1:11

Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand. – Isaiah 14:24

God’s greatest plan for each and every one of us is to know Him through a relationship with Jesus Christ. He wants to bring us to complete wholeness and He will cut through anything and everything that stands in the way…if only we will surrender to him we will find true freedom and wholeness.

The Cut – Jason Gray

Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! – Psalm 66:20

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