Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Than Enough

My study this morning led me to compare the similarities and differences between the accounts of Mark 6:30-52 and Matthew 14:15-33. Wow, God’s word is always more than enough. I am blown away by the things He reminded me of and showed me anew in these short passages.

To set the scene, Jesus and His disciples were going away to rest and pray.

• Lord, please help me know when to take time away to rest, be alone to pray, be refreshed and gain new perspective.

As they went away, crowds of needy people interrupted them. Jesus set aside His plan for retreat and first taught the people many things and healed their sick. This took all day because evening came and no one had eaten.

• Lord, please make me perceptive to the needs of those around me, let me not miss opportunities to meet those needs when it is within my ability to do so.

The Disciples wanted to send the crowds away to get their own food, but Jesus told them to gather what was there and bring it to Him (5 loaves of bread and 2 fish). Jesus took what they brought to Him, gave thanks, gave it back to the disciples and told them to feed the crowd. It was more than enough.

To me, Jesus is saying, "bring me what you have...I will bless it...give it back to you...and then you serve Me by giving to others and serving others with it".

• Lord I bring you all that I have (time, money, possessions, knowledge) and place it in Your hands, please bless it. Thank You for giving back to me, I thank you for allowing me the blessing of being Your hands and feet to “feed” the “hungry”, the blessing of being a blessing to others. I commit to seek You first and trust that You give back more than enough.

Jesus had the crowds sit in smaller groups.

• Thank You for never overwhelming me with tasks too big. Thank You for taking something that seems huge and breaking it down into more manageable tasks that little by little, as I walk with You, I can one day look back and see that You provide multitudes.

Jesus didn’t stick around to hear what the crowd had to say, He provided their needs and then immediately sent the disciples into the boat and went away to pray.

• Lord, please let me not seek the praise of man and let me not be given to the fear of man, but lead me so that I do not miss the opportunities You give.

A storm arose while the disciples were in the boat. It was about 9 hours, the 4th watch of the night, between the hours of 3 and 6 a.m. when Jesus walked on water to meet them in the storm.

• Lord, I know that You will always come to my rescue in the storms of life. There are times when I am completely in Your will, yet storms arise. I thank You for these times that they refine and renew my faith in You. I thank You for letting me sit in the storms so that I will realize my need for You and recognize Your presence. I thank You for “walking on water” to get my attention, for meeting my needs and for calming my soul when I cry out to You in fear. Even when storms rage on longer than I expect, I trust in You to calm my soul.

And He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were amazed and worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” – Matthew 14:33

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